Hello my darlings, Happy Easter to you all!
Think I’m getting the hang of this blogging gig - stop laughing in the back!
Mondays usually suck for most people therefore I’ve decided to spread a little happiness for all you guys out there whose chin is on the floor! Mondays are going to be fun days here on Fizz and Fangs!
And that means talking about what makes us tick as people.
One of the things I adore about blogging is the fact I get to speak to wonderful peeps from all over the world. And you’re a pretty diverse bunch let me tell you. Often I chat to one of my crit partners, Cynthia, from Ohio on the telephone. Cynthia and me go way back - almost four years; she’s a glutton for punishment what can I say - and she laughs as soon as I answer the phone. The reason for this is because I am Scottish which means, quite naturally, I have a Scottish accent which, she says, makes her smile.
Now like everything else, Scottish accents are not all created equal.
They are many and varied. Some are musical and lyrical (the Highlands and English Border accent) and with others even I need an interpreter especially if the person comes from certain parts of Glasgow. Before I offend the entire population of that wonderful City, can I say that I, myself, am from Glasgow so I’m perfectly entitled to throw that particular rock. Just say’in. Now, I haven’t lived in Scotland for many years - almost twenty-five - and I haven’t lost my accent. People tell me - and who am I to argue - that I sound just like the Scottish TV presenter Lorraine Kelly which is why I’ve posted a video of her talking to another Scottish person, Gerard Butler. So you guys can ‘hear’ what I sound like - good idea or what?
On the telephone my husband makes my female friends and acquaintances swoon because he had a deep gravelly Scottish accent which forcibly reminds callers of Sean Connery. Let me just say right now that he doesn’t look anything like Sean Connery and he’s much younger too! Just say’in.
So what I want to know and so do the rest of the peeps reading this is - What or who do you sound like? We all know what the great fabulous Texan Kristen Lamb sounds like. So, come on and let us know. Do you have a high, breathy, girly voice? Is it deep and sexy? I recently described a heroine as having a voice ‘like great big honeyed spoonfuls of soul’ she has a slight French accent btw.
So come on and don’t be shy - if you’re a drawler we demand to know!!
Christine xxxx