Woo Hoo!

Today is D day on my blog and aren’t you the lucky ones (!) I have fiddled and faffed; worried and wondered; stressed and strained about writing this blog.
Why? Well, for one thing, what have I got to say about writing? Stop laughing in the back.

But when the great Nicola Morgan says, ‘get yourself out there on twitter’ Here’s a link to Nicola’s new book ‘Tweet
Right’ and ‘get blogging’ and
since I always do what the Crabbit old bat (her words) says, here I am.

I also want to thank the wonderful KristenLamb. Find her here and I shall be linking in Kristen’s fabulous books about social networking and blogging tomorrow. See Kristen, I’m on WordPress, isn’t it exciting?

Right, next step Myspace. Gosh, I hope it goes as well as this one!


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