After the haunting images from Paris in the last few days, I’ve delayed sharing the news of a new release. To be honest, it simply feels all wrong to celebrate when our hearts are utterly broken by the vivid and tragic images of futures demolished and families left stunned by an event they couldn’t possibly have thought would ever happen to them.
My thoughts and prayers are for the victims and their families and for the people of France and Europe and the world. All of us are just numb with grief.
However, stories are emerging of great acts of heroism and generosity by Parisians who were beyond kind to strangers in need. The people who opened their doors to survivors and offered shelter. The man who used his body to cover the head of a woman who was a stranger to him, a woman about to be shot. The Italian men who helped two Scottish girls hide in a basement under the concert stage - a scene of carnage - and refused to tell them what the murderers were saying in French to the police, “It is better you don’t know.”
And the whispered last words of love between a young couple who died in the concert hall has shown that the animals who shot them in cold blood were not their last thought as together they drew their final breath. Their thoughts were for their loved ones.
Reflecting on the outpouring of love and support to the victims and their families and to the people of France, it is clear to me that the people who perpetrated such an atrocity will never win. Never.
Feel free to share your thoughts, I welcome comments that support the victims and their families. But be aware that this blog is not a place for political or religious rants.
Hugs and love,
Christine x