A wise man once said,

‘Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it…..’

Pastry chef Rosemary Gordon had worked hard her whole life to be successful… Now the wedding cake business she runs with best friend Bronte was winning awards life should be perfect…

But Rosie has a deep, dark secret…

And the steadily bubbling chemistry with Bronte’s brother, Alexander Ludlow, has suddenly become way too hot to ignore…

009 Rosie


On Amazon & Smashwords

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, most of you will know that I’ve been sweating slaving away editing, revising, editing, revising Run Rosie Run.

Well as of about three hours ago, she’s gone out into the sticky fingers of my readers.

Strangely enough you might think this is a time for euphoric joy and relief. But not for me. I’m feeling sort of sad and bereft, even though I’ll be working on her and the other characters in the first three books over the rest of the series.

One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is to explore the relationships in Reckless Nights In Rome, A Stormy Spring and Rosie as they progress. In Run Rosie Run I return to Bronte and Nico from the first book in the series and see how their relationship is coping with life’s little challenges.

So it’s not as if I’ll never see Rosie again. But gosh, I’m going to miss her crazy, zany personality.

Do you guys have fictional characters you’d like to meet again?

If so, who are they?

Share them with us, you know I adore hearing from you.

And going forward we’re celebrating Christmas on this blog!

Christine X


15 thoughts on “SHE’S HERE AND SHE’S BAD

  1. This is so exciting! Can barely wait to get my hands on the book. Geez, I feel sad every time I finish a book. It’s like visiting with an old friend and having to say good-bye at then. But then there’s always the next book…and there are so many that I go back and read again and again. Okay, so I may be a little extreme but the point is that I know what you mean. LOL

  2. Congratulations you pro! Not that I understand it all, you’ve written the first in a series
    !you already wrote two of, correct. Hope it sells good for you and just in time for Xmas!

  3. Congrats on the new release!! I am looking forward to seeing more of starship captain Cadence Drake when Holly Lisle’s next book comes out. I’m looking forward to writing another Saturn Society novel so I can revisit my own favorites!

    • I know! I’m sort of scared to mention the rankings because it tends to hex them. Reckless has broken the top 100 in both countries, woot! And Stormy’s stormin and Rosie’s running! Mwahaha!

  4. Pingback: Dancing with Suspense and Romance, and ROW80 Wrapup | Jennette Marie Powell

  5. I really enjoyed and fell in love with all the characters. Looking forward in reading Rosie story. I was wandering will you be releasing it in the Nook?

    • Hi Blanca,

      Thank you very much for stopping by. I love hearing from readers! Yes, it will be on Nook soon. Smashwords has sent it to them, just waiting. And it should also be on iTunes soon too. I spoke with a very nice man who’s hoping it will be up before Christmas, if not early in the New Year. 🙂

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